Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3rd Grade Classroom

This is a 3rd grade classroom and the teacher has set up the desks in rows facing the front. There are also some computers set up to the right of the desks facing the wall. This is a good idea for the placement of the computers because then they arn't distracted by the other students in the class because they can't see them.


Anonymous said...

I think that this is my least favorite way of arranging desks in a classroom. I like the computers facing a different direction than the other desks though. I prefer a classroom in which the desks are set up in groupings of two or four. I also think that moving the desks around into a circle for whole group discussion is a good way to keep eveyrone involved in the discussion.

Rebecca said...

Yes, but also think about the distraction that would come from if the computers were facing the other students in the classroom.